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H2O Tanker Services

Created for Frik and Yvonne from H2O Tanker Services

The following proposal is focused on helping you achieve maximum exposure through social media and search engine marketing and convert that exposure into real-world contacts and sales via a carefully crafted landing page.

This proposal and quotation have been created after carefully considering your goals and needs. Our search term research shows that you are entering a competitive niche market, so a well-implemented campaign is vital.

Our 26 years of experience selling high-ticket items online puts us in an excellent position to help you achieve your goals.

We will focus on search engine marketing to target people already in the market for your product. Social media marketing will build brand awareness and stimulate an interest, especially focused on seasonal demand and requirements. Everything we do is integrated to maximise your online success.

This proposal details many options and can be implemented immediately or in phases.

Team Effort

Key Performance Indicators

Our most important KPIs will include social media reach, interactions and qualified contacts.

18 April 2024

Online success is a team effort. Lightning Digital is your online marketing partner and everything we do is based on your specific requirements.

Initial Website Set-up and Development

Automated Quotes and Follow-up

The automation of your quotation and sales follow-up emails can be incredibly important when dealing with a large number of sales leads. Our paid search campaigns can create up to 500 sales leads per month, depending on the industry, and it is impossible to create a professional quotation and maintain personal contact with all of these people. By automating the quotation and email follow-up processes, we ensure that no sales lead falls through the cracks.

Total Sales Automation System


Total Website Development Fee


Monthly Maintenance and Marketing Services

Paid Search and Website Maintenance 

Search management focuses on driving paid traffic to your website and converting it into solid contacts and sales.

Complete statistics and conversion tracking are included in both packages.

Your monthly ad spend is separate from any service fees.

Search Terms Research

Area: Gauteng

We have researched various search terms that will be important to you. The following two charts and a table show the frequency and seasonality of these specific terms in your particular geographic area, helping us focus on your most important terms and phrases.
Something important to note: Google considers tank and tanker to be the same. In other words, the result for water tanker is interesting but probably a combination of people looking to store water in what they call a tank and people wanting water delivered via a tanker. Jojo is also a highly searched term. It may be an interesting addition to your business to offer temporary storage via bladders and permanent storage using tanks supplied or sold by yourselves.

Average Monthly Searches

Search Term Competition

Keyword Competition Low Bid High Bid
This table helps us understand the competitiveness of specific search terms and phrases. The High and Low Bids show the cost-per-click (CPC) range to be featured at the top of the results page. Our CPC is generally lower than these values as we target cost per acquisition. 

Searches By Month

Total Initial Website Development

R13 200

Social Media Management

Social media provides a fantastic opportunity for people to learn about your products and services from within networks like Facebook and Instagram. People expect to be able to follow you social media and that provides an opportunity to keep prospects updated, interetsted and engaged with your brand. Paid advertising makes it possible for us to target specefic groups of people to introduce them to something exciting that they may not have known about before.

Total Initial Website Development

R13 200

Let's Start a Conversation

Simply complete the form below and we will get in touch to see how we can help you maximise your online success.